The Mandalorian: The First Live-Action Star Wars Series Gives Fans Everything They Could Want And More
With the launch of Disney's streaming service, Disney Plus, came the long awaited Star Wars mini-series entitled "The Mandalorian". Not much was known about this show except that, of course, it followed a bounty hunter Mandalorian. With some minor exceptions, the only other known Mandalorians in the Star Wars world have been Boba and Jango Fett. Thus, we as Star Wars fans don't know much else about these except that they're the quiet type and usually look bad-ass. This show greatly expands on the lore of these people in an interesting and action-packed yet grounded way. In contrast with the noisy and cluttered "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker", this show takes what we know about the world and makes it small scale and full of old favorites and new surprises. The show's main character, commonly referred to as "Mando" for a majority of the series, has two traits that would normally kill any hope of character development. He never takes off hi...